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Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Same, But Different (And More Expensive)

In many respects, Canada feels a lot like the United States. You look around and see the same cars, the same burger joints, and the same movies showing at the theater.

But wait. The temperature is 21 degrees outside? Diesel costs 90 cents a LITER? The speed limit is 110? And THAT guy is wearing a SPEEDO? Canadians use the Celsius system, and the metric system. They speak a lot of French, and wear a lot of speedos.

Browse the shelves of the local grocery store. Amidst familiar brands you may find some surprises – like bags of Frito Lay’s croustilles (potato chips) with flavors like “ketchup” and “curry.” You’ll also suffer sticker shock. Since when did breakfast cereal cost $9 a box?

We had a pleasant time enjoying the civilization of Calgary, but it’s time for more wilderness. Next up is Banff National Park. Kristy seems eager to visit. Perhaps it has something to do with a certain hot springs and spa?

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