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Monday, November 12, 2007


This article is interesting: Airstream Trailer Serves Eco-Nomads. It's a striking example of how vintage Airstream trailers are reborn on a daily basis.

A company (Eco Earth Yacht Outreach) is now retrofitting old Airstreams to be even more environmentally friendly than usual. They incorporate solar panels for power, and make extensive use of recycled materials in the interiors. Of course, even the Airstream itself is recycled, since it was probably built several decades ago. This all seems reasonable enough, with the possible exception of the "compositing toilet." I have no idea how that works, and I'm not sure I want to find out.

Something I've noticed when Airstreaming (especially when boondocking) is that our water and electricity usage is dramatically reduced. In fact, I've mastered the skill of taking a hot shower using no more than three tablespoons of water.

So, all of you Hollywood hipsters, you want to be green? Forget trendy, token displays like driving a hybrid. If you REALLY want to reduce your so-called "environmental footprint," relocate to a trailer park immediately! :)

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