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Sunday, October 14, 2007

Best Kept Secret in Motorsport

While our Airstream is in the shop, we're taking in some local sights. Barber Motorsports Park in Birmingham, Alabama is an incredible treat if you enjoy the smell of fresh, hot exhaust. There's no better way to watch racing than on this $60 million European-style race course, where the landscaping is as lavish as a customized Porsche interior.

And speaking of Porsche, if you want to attend the official Porsche Sport Driving School, this is where you'll do it. The Barber facility is home to the Porsche school, so some of the world's greatest racecar drivers hang out here on a daily basis.

And yes, the Barber Park's an RV-friendly place. The track's main RV parking area offers scenic boondocking. It sits upon a high, grassy plateau overlooking the entire track. Electricity is available in the paddock area. So if you happen to be driving the track, you can relax in your RV in between sessions.

Believe it or not, I've actually driven the Barber track with a Birmingham sports car club. "What's it like?" you ask? Imagine your favorite rollercoaster -- times ten. Really, until you've ridden in a racecar being piloted at high speed, nothing can prepare you for the lateral g-forces and sensory onslaught. It's an adrenaline rush that's only slightly less addictive (and probably more expensive) than crack.

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