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Friday, October 12, 2007


Last night Kristy and I appeared on the Vintage Airstream Podcast (a.k.a. The VAP) radio show. We had a blast discussing our honeymoon adventures with Tim, Colin, and Rob. It's always a pleasure to talk Airstreaming with fellow Airstreamers.

You can download the complete 50-minute interview on the VAP website:

The great upside to owning an Airstream is that they are timeless. In fact, some of the hippest, coolest trailers you'll ever see are more than 50 years old.

There's a lot to be said for taking a vintage unit and customizing it to be your own. Thankfully, exterior styling has changed little over the years. Aluminum doesn't rust, so just about any trailer can be polished back into a mirror finish. As for interiors, you can do just about anything your heart desires, from contemporary Manhattan apartments to 1950s diners. We've seen some amazing transformations, and the process is cost-effective vis-a-vis buying a new one.

Anyone interested in restoring a vintage unit should browse the VAP audio archive. It's an excellent, entertaining resource. Should you decide to go this route, the VAP is required listening.

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