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Saturday, June 30, 2007

The Grand Tour (in 2 minutes or less)

Today we’ll try to leave the Dent Fiasco behind, and focus upon happier topics. How about a quick guided tour?

Our Airstream is a 25-foot model -- squarely in the middle of the species size range. I like to think that this trailer includes “everything we need, and nothing we don’t.”

In the wide world of RVs, we’re a relatively small fish. That said, I’m convinced that the Airstream is more comfortable than our old brownstone apartment in Greenwich Village -- and we don’t have any mice.

On that note, I’ve noticed an interesting phenomenon aboard the RV. It seems that once one mentally adjusts to the amount of living space available -- whatever it may be -- that amount of space quickly becomes “normal.” It makes one reconsider the trend of ever-expanding American homes. How much space do you really need?

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