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Sunday, September 9, 2007

Laundromat With a View

The RV lifestyle is a blend of liberation and compromise.

In many respects, Airstreaming is liberating vis-à-vis owning a home. When I'm in my actual house, instead of enjoying the property, I tend to see what's wrong with it. I see floors that need cleaning, walls that need painting, and landscaping that needs planting. With real estate ownership, there's a neverending desire to maintain and improve (this is what keeps Home Depot in business). Our house is always a work in progress, so it never feels complete.

In the Airstream, the stresses associated with home ownership melt away. RVs are complete as delivered from the factory. Sure, you can make changes and improvements to your RV. And some things will break. But everything happens on a much smaller, more manageable scale. And there’s no neighborhood association or architectural review committee breathing down your neck. If you don't like your neighborhood, or your view, you hitch and move!

But there are compromises. Not many people fantasize about visiting scenic laundromats on their honeymoon, but that's part of our deal.

For the record, I’d be perfectly happy doing our laundry myself. But Kristy usually keeps me at least 30-feet away from the job. I have a tendency to accidentally slip bright red clothing into loads of white--which is why I’m so often seen wearing pale fuchsia.

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