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Saturday, August 11, 2007

Pit Crew Mentality

When we first started RV-ing, setting up camp was an intimidating task. There are several steps involved in the process. The Airstream must be properly parked (sometimes into a tricky campsite), unhitched, and leveled, stabilizer jacks lowered, various hookups connected, the entrance step lowered, and interior bits unpacked. If you hit a snag in any one area, it slows things down. If you hit a snag in MULTIPLE areas…you might as well start packing up again.

With experience, we’ve developed a NASCAR pit crew mentality. I’ve gotten better about the parking process (this is one step you just can’t rush). Once we park, a flurry of activity begins. We’ve learned ways to increase the speed of each task. I have my jobs, and Kristy has her jobs. Now the process goes approximately as fast as the average Talladega refuel. Setting up camp is a piece of cake! Everything is completed in a matter of minutes.

With our power jack back online, I’m once again a happy camper. We’ve enjoyed the autumn-like weather here (sunny during the day, cold at night) in Spokane, but it’s time for us to depart and head towards Seattle.

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