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Saturday, July 21, 2007

Airstream as Second Home?

"What's the bed like?" you ask? It's a queen size. The mattress is unremarkable, so we added one of those really nice foam/down toppers. Now it's great.

Like many Americans, we considered the purchase of a vacation condo or second home. In fact, we were still kicking around the idea when we bought our Airstream. Among other things, this honeymoon trip is testing the concept of using the Airstream as a vacation home.

Unlike a condo, with an Airstream there are no association dues and property taxes. It's a cinch to insure (Geico will be happy to help). If you choose to finance the purchase, the interest payments are tax deductible. And you can take it anywhere you please. If you don't like your neighbors or your view, simply hitch up and go! We got married in Key West, Florida -- staying in our Airstream. If all goes as planned, we'll have taken our silver bullet from Key West to Seattle.

As previously mentioned, we travel with enough technological gadgets to manage a NASA mission. Here's a shot of Kristy checking her email (most campgrounds now offer wifi).

On the credenza is our one and only TV (campgrounds usually offer cable, too). Inside the cabinet is the XBox 360, which serves as our do-it-all media machine -- delivering HD-DVD, DVD, photos, music, and games. On a side note, I find we watch MUCH less TV while traveling in the Airstream.

Our Airstream also has a built-in speaker system. We use an iPod to deliver the tunes.


Harry De said...

Ok, Roger Miller (Trailors for sale or rent) you have sole me, now where do I get a loan?

Sean and Kristy said...

Ha! I love that song. I will be sure to add "King of the Road" to our iPod.