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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Unlucky 07-07-07

They say back luck comes in threes.

Or do they?

Whatever “they” say, 07-07-07 was not a lucky day for us.

The woes started when we were breaking camp in Nebraska. I pricked my thumb on a rusty wire, and there was blood.

But that was just a warm-up for the main event. Remember the ceiling fan that was being “serviced” back home? Apparently its plastic cover was not secured back in place – so in Casper, it was torn apart by a strong gust of Wyoming wind. Now we have a big gaping hole in our roof. On the left of this photo you can see the dent; in the center, the broken fan cover. We’ll have to hope it doesn’t rain until we find a fix.

Moral of this story: Airstreams should be serviced by people who know and understand Airstreams.

1 comment:

Mom said...

Sean, you've got to be the most unlucky traveler ever! Please take care!