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Friday, July 13, 2007

It’s tough to be a snob (while you’re holding a sewer hose).

They say there’s camaraderie in campgrounds. No matter how large or small the RV, it’s pretty much a class free society. Perhaps this is because it’s tough to be a snob while you’re holding a sewer hose.

In RV parlance, sewage is referred to as “black water.” Every once in a while, our Airstream’s black water tank has to be emptied.

This is one of those jobs that newcomers approach with healthy amounts of fear and trepidation. After all, it seems like it would be utterly disgusting. But after a couple of times, emptying the tanks is no big deal. In fact (if you can believe it), I’ve found myself enjoying the experience and taking pride in doing it well.

The secret is approaching the task well-armed with rubber gloves, hand sanitizer, and a sense of humor.

We’ve emptied our tanks, and are staying a few more days in Jackson.


Roger said...

Fun stuff! On our Classic we have an attachment for a water hose that will operate a type of jet inside the black tank. This allows anything 'stuck' to help break free. After dumping, I always make sure there is some water in the tank even after dumping so you don't get the dreaded 'black pyramid' under the toilet.

Unknown said...

You just need a cigar, boxers, boots and a fur hat with flaps to make the experience complete.

Sean and Kristy said...

Roger, we also have the "no fuss flush" feature. So far, we've seen no "black pyramid" -- I don't know what that means, and I don't think we want to find out!

Derek, perhaps I will invest in a fur hat with flaps...stay tuned! ;D