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Friday, July 27, 2007

Attack of the Quarter-Munchers

Like most travel trailers, our Airstream lacks a washer and dryer. It’s theoretically possible to install one, but this would require a jackhammer, blowtorch, BobCat (with experienced operator), and the undivided attention of Stephen Hawking. Plus, due to space limitations, once the job is complete we’d have to sleep outside on the ground… with the bears.

It’s far easier to use a Laundromat. Most campgrounds are stocked with the same quarter-munching machines you "fondly" remember from college. Once every two weeks, we kill a couple of hours in these fine facilities.

What’s interesting is that we only need to wash every two weeks. At home, it seems we’re running a load of laundry every hour, on the hour. Stacks of unfolded clothes multiply like rabbits in a Viagra factory. But on the road, laundry is a relatively rare -- if less convenient -- ordeal.

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