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Friday, July 6, 2007

Money Is Always Interesting

I’m not a “save every receipt” kind of guy – just ask my accountant. But this receipt offers an idea of what it costs to fuel Seymour. We’re getting about 11.5 miles per gallon towing the Airstream, so we need to refuel approximately every 325 miles.

I don’t know how many miles we’ll cover on this honeymoon trip. If we travel around 3000 miles, that translates into roughly $700 of diesel. Oh well… it’s cheaper than one of those over-the-water honeymoon bungalows in Figi.

Today we depart Kansas City. We’ll drive across Nebraska into the great state of Wyoming.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Have fun!! Can't wait to get with ya'll when you get home!!

Love Katy~